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edTactics helps your organization implement Continuous Improvement!

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Check out recent posts from the edTactics blog:
3 Things Every School District Should Do After Election Day
What’s the biggest mistake school districts make after passing (or failing) a bond or levy election?
3 Easy Steps to Create a Plan for the New School Year
How can districts plan for the new school year?
Thank you, educators, for teaching our students in 2017-18!
School employees are awesome! Thank you!
When is the best time for a school district to run a bond or levy?
There IS a better time for school districts to run bonds and levies.
Whatever your school district needs, make edTactics your first call.
When your school district needs help, call edTactics first.
edTactics helps school districts pass bonds and levies the FIRST time out! Why? How?
Find out how edTactics can help your school district pass its measures