Whether you’re running a school district, a business, or another organization, giving your customers what they want is the key to your success both in the present and the future.
Many companies try to develop their products and services in a vacuum, guessing at what their audience may want from them, and preparing without reaching out. Sometimes this strategy works, but often it fails to meet up to the expectations of those we serve.
There’s a simple solution – why not ask them what they want?
There are a variety of easy ways to reach out and find out what your clients and constituents want and expect from your organization:
Survey the landscape.
Properly-executed surveys can be incredibly effective at providing general objective data for further analysis and an overview of the topics discussed.
When investigating what services you should offer, surveys are perfect – they require very little time for respondents and provide your organization with a broad overview of how to plan.
Get social.
Social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter can be an excellent way for your community to offer immediate feedback so you know how they perceive your school district or company.
Social networking is no longer optional. With over one billion active daily users, Facebook has become a primary method for members of almost every audience to receive news about their friends, family, their schools, favorite companies, and brands. Every school district and organization needs to have a Facebook account regardless of the district’s size.
Use your organization’s social networking accounts to reach out and start a dialogue with your audience to get a general view of what they expect from you.
Talk to your key stakeholders.
If your organization needs guidance about its future rather than opinions about specific ideas or concepts, other methods such as Key Stakeholder Interviews often yield far more effective results providing in-depth and qualitative analysis of your audience.
edTactics’ Key Stakeholder Interview Process uses multiple steps to ensure your organization receives in-depth information including helping identify your key stakeholders, interviewing them, and developing methods to share the results with your leadership and audiences.
The Key Stakeholder Interview Process can help you identify ways to reach your entire audience with the right messages through strategic communication plans which edTactics can help your organization develop and implement.
Now, it’s OUR turn – we want to hear from YOU!
We’re taking our own advice and want to hear from you! We’ve prepared a very short four-question survey which should take only about five minutes of your time and we would greatly appreciate your feedback!
Just click on this SurveyMonkey link to let us know what services we currently offer that interest you, and where you could use help.
Thank you for your feedback – it helps drive continuous improvement for edTactics!
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Need help?
We’d love to hear from you about your district’s needs, and help you guide your schools to success! Feel free to give us a call at (360) 566-7616 to discuss the services you’re seeking with one of our free consultations! If you prefer, you can also reach out via email.
edTactics specializes in Continuous Improvement including Community Outreach, Facility Planning, Leadership Coaching, and Strategic Communications. School districts and other organizations have successfully implemented Continuous Improvement Plans using the data and strategies from our professional, practical, and affordable services.
To learn more about Continuous Improvement including tips for ways to engage your community, visit the edTactics Blog Archives by clicking this link: https://goo.gl/lUPlvv. You can learn more by following our Facebook (www.fb.com/edTactics) and Twitter accounts (www.twitter.com/edTactics).
Art Edgerly & Eric Jacobson
Call us at (360) 566-7616
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