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Finding an independent third party who can deliver a delicate, thoughtful approach to conducting fact-finding audits and reviews in unique settings like our schools requires a level of expertise with proven experience which can be difficult to find given the lack of options in the market – until now.


magnifying-glass-edtactics-investigationsWho has the time?

Incidents and allegations in our public schools requiring investigations are highly sensitive, extremely time-consuming, and can be very difficult to manage if you choose to use the resources within your organization. In addition, handling these investigations in-house appears biased to your patrons.

Hiring an independent third-party like edTactics will save you valuable time while also giving your customers confidence that your audits and reviews will be handled without bias.



handshake-edtactics-investigationsedTactics is Bonded and Insured

edTactics is insured and bonded, offering an alternative to costly legal audits and review delivering professional, independent, and timely services with the backing of decades of experience and expertise to both schools and private businesses.



paperwork-edtactics-investigationsedTactics brings decades of investigative experience to your organization

Art Edgerly and Eric Jacobson founded edTactics because we understand the inherent risks associated with audits, reviews, and investigations. We are here to provide you with our experience and expertise to assist you whenever necessary.

We can help you.

Art Edgerly and Eric Jacobson, the founding members of edTactics, have teamed together for nearly a decade in the public school sector.

Art has served 33 years in public schools with ten years as a classroom teacher, ten years as a principal at the elementary and secondary level, and 13 years as a school superintendent.

Eric Jacobson currently serves as an independent Communication and Public Relations Consultant in the education industry and has previously served as the Public Relations Manager for the Better Business Bureau of Oregon and Southwest Washington investigating the operations of businesses in both states.


Need Help? Contact edTactics

edTactics can help support your school district!  We encourage you to contact us via phone, visit our website, and learn more by visiting our Facebook or Twitter accounts.

edTactics will provide you with our experience, expertise, and successful investigative practices so you can focus on what matters – student learning.


Art Edgerly and Eric Jacobson
Co-Founders of edTactics

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