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With many Washington school districts running bonds and levies in the recent Valentine’s Day Special Election, we were overjoyed to see the success of several edTactics clients in passing both bonds for new facility construction and levies for school operation!

Engage your communityAlthough successful measures are exciting, those results come from engaging your community at all times and well in advance of any plans to add new facilities or modify your district’s offerings. Our clients succeed because they understand the importance and value of implementing edTactics strategies for Continuous Improvement before even beginning to plan for a bond or levy.

You can distill our strategies to one primary goal: working with your community and constituents to develop goals for how they want to see your school district in the future including buildings, course offerings, school organization, and much more.

Work with your community and your constituentsNo school district should make a plan for Continuous Improvement without understanding the values of the community they serve. In order to do this, school districts must use strategies and methodologies to engage their constituents and find out what they want for the future of their local schools.

This fundamental concept is the backbone of what edTactics does and how we can help your school district. Our strategies and techniques will help you develop an ongoing two-way relationship with your constituents so you can work with your community as a team to grow your schools and facilitate Continuous Improvement well into the future.

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Let edTactics help you!Need help?

We’d love to hear from you about your district’s needs, and help you guide your schools to success! Feel free to give us a call at (800) 983-8408 to discuss the services you’re seeking with one of our free consultations! If you prefer, you can also reach out via email.

edTactics specializes in Continuous Improvement including Community Outreach, Facility Planning, Leadership Coaching, and Strategic Communications. School districts and other organizations have successfully implemented Continuous Improvement Plans using the data and strategies from our professional, practical, and affordable services.

To learn more about Continuous Improvement including tips for ways to engage your community, visit the edTactics Blog Archives by clicking this link: You can learn more by following our Facebook ( and Twitter accounts (

edTactics will provide you with our professional experience and expertise so you can focus on your work.


Art Edgerly & Eric Jacobson

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