Thank you!
We want to take a moment to thank you for your hard work and hope that over the weeks of summer you will be able to find some time to rest and get rejuvenated for the start of another exciting new school year.
With the end of the school year arriving, most people not working in the education industry are unaware how busy summers are for superintendents and their administrative teams. As you work towards balancing your budgets, hiring new employees, negotiating bargaining contracts, and finishing ongoing maintenance projects at your facilities, we at edTactics want to let you know we understand the challenges you face on a daily basis throughout the entire year.
As you prepare for the next year, did you know that over the past school year edTactics has provided a variety of educational services to school districts throughout Washington? We assisted school districts with construction management, performed investigation audits, held key stakeholders interviews, helped districts with community outreach to learn more about their educational programs and facility proposals, developed capital facility plans, created election campaign timelines, released communication articles to the media, and provided support for board and superintendent teams.
We hope you enjoy the summer months and consider us when you need some support and assistance. Don’t hesitate to call or email – we love to hear from you!
Have a great summer!
Art Edgerly & Eric Jacobson
Co-Founders of edTactics
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